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Twitter Accepts Elon Musk’s Offer, As Now Elon Musk Is All Set To Be The Sole Owner Of Twitter

Elon musk

The  Richest Man on the planet Earth, Elon Musk is all set to be the sole owner of the social media giant Twitter. A few minutes ago Twitter said that they has accepted Elon Musk’s takeover bid for nearly an amount of around $46 Billion. 

We all know how much potential Elon Musk has got in his hands in the World Economy and Cryptocurrency Market. Since last year we have witnessed many occasions how Elon was able to change the Cryptocurrency market with just a single Tweet.

Some cryptocurrencies are majorly influenced by Elon Musk. Specially meme coins are powered up by Elon Musk. Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are just examples. Most people believe Dogecoin is Elon’s favorite coin. As a result of that Dogecoin was able to make a 7.70% appreciation.

First, the Twitter board turn down Elon Musks’ $43 billion takeover offer. 

Somehow last Sunday Twitter’s board and Elon Musk had a serious discussion about this matter. Earlier last week Elon said that he will be financing the bid with $26 billion from more than 12 investment banks and another $21 billion will be funded from his personal money. Bloomberg reported this.

Elon Musk already owns 9% so he will need more than 91% to own the full company. So now he is ready to spend more 46$ Billion to own the 91%.

Elon was keen to buy Twitter as he said “I invested in Twitter as I believe in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and I believe free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy.

However, since making my investment I now realize the company will neither thrive nor serve this societal imperative in its current form. Twitter needs to be transformed into a private company.”

Furthermore, Elon Musk said he s not happy with the current Twitter management. On April 14 Elon came up with his bid, at that moment Twitter did not accept the offer but after 11 days now it’s all set to sell its company to Elon Musk.

Elon already had an early plan about Twitter as he tweeted a few polls about twitter before he made the bid-offer.

Somehow it is very interesting that Twitter changes its decision. With Elon Musks’ potential and Twitter’s influence, it will make a great combination. Many officials say The final decision will be announced and the deal will be closed on Monday.

 There are many various comments about this deal and those are funny and interesting.

Somehow Twitter company employees are frustrated about this decision because they say Twitter management didn’t inform them about this matter earlier.

So most people think that Twitter will have many differences after Elon owns it. Elon always loves free speech and free ideas. So now it means Elon Musk the richest man on planet earth will be the sole owner of the most influenced social media platform.

End of the Story