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Scams appear to help Ukraine with Donations to raise meanwhile, Ukraine cancels Crypto Airdrop


After Russia’s Military attack in Ukraine, many communities came together to help Ukraine. The main need funds to support Ukraine.

  • As millions of Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies have been raised recently in Ukraine with funding from all over the world. With this opportunity scammers and fraudsters are using many illegal ways to steal this money. Scam sites and phishing websites have been used to do this.
  • Ukraine to cancel their pre-planned airdrop according to  Ukraine Vice Prime minister’s tweet

As the Bank system has fallen inside the Ukraine funding with Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies was the most successful option. So in case of that many countries, celebrities, people, and communities donated Bitcoin and cryptocurrency to Ukraine. As a result that millions of cryptocurrencies flowed to Ukraine. Recently scams have begun to theft the donating funds.

At the moment Ukraine is raising millions in bitcoin scam projects and phishing websites have joined in the theft of this money in face of helping Ukraine. 

Scammers have been using various methods to attract the crowd including video footage of the war, sensitive pictures, emotional appeals that target sensitive audiences which will be hard to resist. However, the best way to donate to Ukraine is using the Ukraine government wallet addresses.

Ukraine canceled their planned airdrop according to Vice Prime Minister Fedorov’s tweet. 

Furthermore, he stated they have no intentions of the issue to any fungible tokens. Yesterday Ukraine’s government claimed that they will launch an airdrop after Gavin wood’s Polkadot donation of $5 million. However, if this was launched it would be the first kind for crypto donors and would have been a new trend.

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